“Plastic is found in the water we drink, the food we eat, the air we breathe, the soil below us, and even inside of our bodies, blood and organs.”
Plastic Soup
The Plastic Health Coalition is on a mission to stop plastic pollution and bring awareness to the dangers it has not only on the planet, but our own health as well. This video highlights microplastics, which can be harmful to our ocean, aquatic life and humans.
Client: Plastic Health Coalition
Verdant Creature: Emanuele Colombo, Italy

What can you do?
More than 40% of all plastic made is used for packaging, which is used only once before being thrown away. The most effective way to reduce waste is to not create it in the first place, so focus on reducing your waste as much as possible. Here are just a few small ways to limit plastic pollution.
Bring your own reusable bag to the store, and try to buy items with minimal packaging.
Use reusable water bottles, containers and utensils instead of disposable ones.
Instead of buying individually packaged snacks and drinks, buy in bulk and use your own small, reusable containers.
Make this an EASY choice:
Eartheasy has a super helpful list of simple ways to swap out the plastics in your daily life. Even if you only pick a few of these replacements, it will as up to a huge change.